Awesome Design
for Your Dream House
Awesome Design
for Your Dream House


If you are looking to build your dream home, you need an experienced team who listens and understands your individual needs, has expertise in custom design, believes in providing quality construction and materials as well as ongoing service before, during, and after your build.

J & S Homes are Melbourne-based builders who bring excitement, energy, and expertise to every project we undertake. Our reputation comes from quality construction processes, materials, and customer satisfaction. We listen to your needs and build together the home of your dreams.


Make it with passion.

COVID19 updates

In this together

Victorian Governments plan to help first home buyers

The government has changed legislation and introduced rules to make it easier for first home buyers to buy a property to live in. Buying a home in Victoria is feeling out of reach for many first home buyers.

The government has abolished stamp duty if you’re a first home buyer and buying a house for $600,000 or less. If you’re buying a home for between $600,000 and $750,000 they’ve tapered the stamp duty. It is zero at $600,000 then increases slightly as the cost of the home increases to $750,000.

If you are buying a home in regional Victoria, and you are eligible for a First Home Owner Grant, you may qualify for a First Home Owner Grant of $20,000. This increased First Home Owner Grant will be available for regional first home buyers of new homes valued up to $750,000.


Our Services


Our Processes


Bring your luxury home to life. We help you to design and build your dream home from scratch. We bring quality craftsmanship to create your modern luxury home that speak for themselves. Our designers, consultants and supervisor jointly work together to ensure we achieve best possible design outcome. The selection journey for the internal selection of the house is made easy with a display room showcasing our extensive range of products for your finishing touch.


Collection is our one stop go solution for hassle free process. In collection we have created some packages for you from our years of experience to build fresh, architecturally designed homes in suburbs you love. All the floor plans have built in flexibility and design options. Pick a design you love and work with us to build your home that fits your taste and lifestyle. Our highly experienced team will make sure to bring everything to your service as promised without any compromises on quality.